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A journey you won’t want to miss.


Be among the first to experience the life-affirming Swedish documentary hit THE LAST JOURNEY, with a specially filmed introduction from renowned director duo Filip Hammar and Fredrik Wikingsson!

In THE LAST JOURNEY, Filip Hammar and Fredrik Wilkingsson embark on a trip to France to rekindle Hammar's 80-year-old father's zest for life. By making the same road trip that the family used to make when Filip was a child and staging some of his father’s fondest memories (often with hilarious consequences), they hope to rekindle Lars’ spark.

The film's touching and relatable story has resonated with viewers all over Sweden making it the most-watched documentary in Swedish cinema history.

This specially filmed introduction is exclusive to cinemas and to Rialto Cinemas in the Auckland region.

Book your tickets now and prepare to leave the cinema with a renewed appreciation for life and family; you may even choose to embark on your own journey with a loved one!


DATE: Newmarket - Tuesday 18 February
TIME: 6pm

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