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Auckland Art Gallery members can enjoy $13.50 tickets at Rialto Cinemas Newmarket!


The Auckland Art Gallery membership card entitles you to one discount per session. Take advantage of this offer by presenting your membership card (OR email that includes digital membership card with full name and photo ID) at the counter.


In return Rialto Cinemas Cinebuzz members receive discounted entry to Auckland Art Gallery paid exhibitions throughout the year! Just show your Cinebuzz card at the gallery to receive the special offer.


Terms & Conditions: *Valid on presentation of an Auckland Art Gallery physical membership card or the email that includes a digital card. Not available to purchase online. Excludes Beyond Film, alternate content, film festivals, special events and screenings. 3D tickets are $16.50. One discount per session per person who presents the Auckland Art Gallery physical membership card.

DATE: Anytime!

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