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Contact Us

General enquiries and feedback


For general enquiries and comments, please email: [email protected]


For cinema and movie information, or lost property, please call:


Newmarket: 09 369 2417

Dunedin: 03 474 2200


Credit card refund

Click below, and select Rialto Cinemas Dunedin, or Rialto Cinemas Newmarket from the cinema drop-down menu. 





Admission and pricing:


Purchasing tickets online:


Cine-Tickets and Gift Cards


Gift cards only


Restricted films

Admission and pricing 

What are the ticket prices at Rialto Cinemas?
You can view our admission prices for both Rialto Cinemas Newmarket and Dunedin here.


What is the age for child priced tickets?
A child aged 3-14 qualifies for a child priced ticket. Children aged under 3 years receive free admittance, as long as they are sitting on the knee of a full paid adult throughout the duration of the film.


What is the age for student priced tickets?
A person aged 15 years and over qualifies for a student priced ticket, however Student ID must be presented at time of ticket collection.


What is the age for senior priced tickets?
A person aged 65 years and over qualifies for a senior priced ticket, however ID must be presented at time of ticket collection.


What is a family pass?
You can read all about our Family Pass offers here.


What is Cinebuzz Cheap Tuesday?
Every Tuesday, Cinebuzz members can enjoy discounted tickets. Present your Cinebuzz card at the counter in cinema, or log in to your Cinebuzz account online to unlock your special price. View Cinebuzz Cheap Tuesday ticket prices here. Excludes public holidays.


What does NFT mean?
No Free Tickets. This means we cannot accept complimentary passes on films at this stage of release. If you're unsure, please email [email protected].

Purchasing tickets online 

How do I purchase tickets online?

Purchasing tickets for sessions online is a simple process that allows you to buy tickets easily and securely using your credit card, Paypal of gift card. The process is quick and you can be assured the information you provide will be secure. To purchase tickets for the session you want, display session times by selecting Cinema and/or Movie.

Do you allocate seating for tickets bought online?

Where allocated seating applies, a cinema seating plan is displayed on the screen and you can choose where you want to sit. 
At sessions where there is no allocated seating, you will be able to choose your seat when you are at the cinema on a first-in, first-served basis.

How to use seat allocation

After you have chosen the types and number of tickets you wish to purchase, you will be presented with a graphical representation of the cinema seating layout. A grey “screen” image is at the top of the page which represents the screen location within the cinema.


A key denoting the three types of seats can also be found above the screen image. Grey seats are currently available to be purchased, red seats have already been booked, and green are the seat/s that you have been automatically assigned by the system. To change these simply click on available grey seats which will change them to green. Once you're happy with the selection click next to progress the purchasing process. Note: the system will not allow you to choose seats that leave a 1 seat gap between the selection and seats already purchased, two seat gaps are allowed.

When and where do I collect my tickets?

After purchasing your tickets online, you can collect them at any time (even several days in advance) from the cinema complex you made the booking for.

Collect your tickets from the main counter in cinema. Present your online booking confirmation email containing your booking confirmation code or QR code.


How secure are my credit card and other personal details?

Our online ticketing system has security measures in place to protect the customer from loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. The secure server software, Secure Socket Layers (SSL) is among the best available for secure commerce transactions. When exchanging personal data, such as your credit card number, your name, email address, etc., this data is encrypted, so it is incomprehensible when sent across the Internet.

When you purchase online, credit card purchases are generally protected against fraud by law, and your liability is limited. Check with your credit card company for details.

How many tickets can I buy online in one transaction?

The total number of tickets that can be purchased online in one transaction cannot exceed 10. This is to assist with security and prevention of fraud.

What methods of payment can I use online?

We accept the following major credit cards: Visa, Mastercard, AMEX and Diners. 

Can I buy tickets online less than an hour before a film starts?

Tickets for all sessions can be purchased right up to the session starting time.

Can I buy tickets for future dates?

Yes. Depending on the day of the week, the website may only provide details for screenings today and tomorrow. Session times for the movie week commencing on Thursday are released to the web on the Tuesday. Most films will show between 2 and 9 days of session times that can be booked. Blockbuster movies can go on sale on the web up to 6 weeks in advance, so keep your eye on the website for the big releases.

Once a purchase has been confirmed, can I make changes to my order or get a refund?

No. All tickets sold are done so on a no-refund, exchange or cancellation basis. You must agree to these conditions when a purchase is made. Please ensure all details are correct at the time of purchase so no problems arise. 

If I don't collect my tickets will I still get charged?

Yes. Your credit card will be charged the full price of the tickets. 

If I enter my credit card and the website crashes, will I get charged?

No. Your booking is not confirmed until you have received your booking confirmation and reference number.

How do I book a wheelchair space?

The wheelchair-allocated seats are unavailable online. This is to ensure that they are not taken by those who don't require them. If you require a wheelchair space please phone the cinema. Cinema phone numbers can be found a the top of this page under 'Contact Us'.


What do I need to know about accessibility at Rialto Cinemas?


Rialto Cinemas Newmarket is located on Level 1 of the Rialto Centre. The complex can be accessed via the escalator or elevator. There is an elevator in the foyer to access all cinemas. Another lift is available on the second level of the cinema to access cinemas 6 & 7. Please contact us to discuss the best seats to book in accordance with your needs or ask when you purchase tickets at the counter. Seats are subject to availability.


Toilets for disabled patrons are available on the foyer level of the cinema to the left of the stairs where the main bathrooms are located. There is also a cubicle for disabled patrons in the main bathrooms which can only be accessed by stairs.



Rialto Cinemas Dunedin can only be accessed via the street level on Moray Place. There is a ramp up to the counter and another ramp that allows access to the ground floor cinemas as the ground level is a split level. A lift to get to the cinemas on levels 2 & 3 can be accessed from the ground floor.


Toilets for disabled patrons are available on the ground floor.



Cine-Tickets and Gift Cards


How do I purchase Cine-Ticket vouchers and gift cards online?

Purchasing Cine-Ticket vouchers and gift cards online with your credit card is quick, easy and secure. Simply go to the Gift Shop section linked in the footer of our website, and click on the items you would like to purchase. You will need a credit card to charge these to and your order will be processed within three working days.

How do I collect my Cine-Ticket vouchers and gift cards?

Your Cine-Ticket vouchers and gift cards will be couriered to the delivery address you provide when making your purchase online. This can be either your address or the recipient's.

How many books of Cine-Tickets vouchers and Gift Cards can I buy online in one transaction?

There is no limit to the number of books of Cine-Tickets you can purchase online, Gift Cards can be purchased up to the value of $200

I need to make a corporate purchase. How can I buy in bulk?

For bulk purchases, please contact our Corporate Sales team via email at [email protected].

How long do Cine-Tickets vouchers and gift cards remain valid?

Cine-Ticket vouchers and gift cards remain valid for 12 months from the date of purchase.

Where can Cine-Ticket vouchers and gift cards be used?

Cine-Ticket vouchers are valid at Rialto Cinemas (Newmarket and Dunedin) only.

Gift Cards can be used at any session at Rialto Cinemas (Newmarket and Dunedin), EVENT Cinemas and the Embassy Theatre. The expiry date displayed is not extendable and vouchers are not refundable or redeemable for cash.

Can Cine-Ticket Vouchers and gift cards be used to buy tickets online?

Yes. Once you have selected your desired session time please enter your voucher number and PIN (found on back side of voucher) in the form 'I have a voucher / code'. Cine-Ticket vouchers can also be presented in cinema to exchange for tickets. All gift cards sold from Rialto Cinemas can be used online.


What methods of payment do you accept online?

We accept the following major credit cards - Visa, Mastercard, AMEX and Diners.

How much does it cost for delivery?

Standard courier and handling charge of $5.50* applies. (*Subject to change. Prices are correct at the time of publishing of these FAQs.)

When can I expect my tickets to be delivered?

Gift Shop orders will be delivered by courier and should arrive within three working days.

The products I purchased have not arrived. Who can I contact?

If your order does not arrive within the estimated time frame, please submit a help ticket here. Quote your order reference number for assistance.

Once a purchase has been confirmed, can I make changes to my order or get a refund?

No. All Gift Shop orders sold online are done so on a 'no refund, return or cancellation' basis. You must agree to these conditions when a purchase is made. Please ensure all your details are correct at the time of purchase, so no problems arise. 


Gift cards


Can I choose the value of my gift card?

There are set values online starting from $25 to $250. If you purchase in cinema, you can choose any amount from $25.


What happens if the value of my purchase is more than the value on the card?

You will need to pay the remaining amount with another method of payment.

If my purchase is less than the value of the card, do I receive change?

You will be given the gift card back with the remaining value on it. We do not give back change in cash.

Can I top up the card with more value?

No. You will need to purchase a new card.

What happens if I lose my card?

We cannot replace or refund lost or stolen cards. Treat the card like cash and keep it in a safe place.

How long is my gift card valid for?

Your gift card is valid for 12 months from the date of purchase and can be checked in cinema or online here.


Restricted films


What does restricted mean?
It is illegal to sell, hire, show or give a restricted (R13, R15, R16, R18) film to anyone under the age specified on the classification label. Suitable photographic identification is required.
Can I give permission for my child to watch a restricted film if they are under the age specified on the classification label?
No. A parent cannot give children permission to watch a restricted film if they are underage. This includes babies.
What forms of ID are accepted at the cinema for restricted films?
Driver license, Passport, Student ID Card, HANZ 18+ Card.
When will I be asked to present my ID?
You will be asked to present your ID when purchasing tickets at the counter, collecting an online booking, and before entering the cinema.
Where can I find more information about the classification of films?
Please visit the New Zealand Classification website here.